Friday, April 2, 2010

Instruct, clarify, gloss, comment, disseminate?

Anyone here had ever though how many times we find that things we though were complicated are not. They are simple but with language or terms complications? Had you ever ask yourself why? Personally I think that information in general is devaluated and this is a real popular problem. Quantified information in any ways you want to look at it, is power. This is how we get trouble in only few steps. Why news channel like CNN are so criticized all around the world; well I guess and everyone agree, is because how they use a huge system like that to misinform the popular masses. The aftermath of this situation let us know how power is manipulated by media and how big is the power information comprehend itself.

It was 1999, I will like to know whom of you know what is the WTO, and what happened with it that year. World Trade Organization had one of their most important conference in Seattle. At the same time in the same city one of the biggest protest I've personally had seen was taking place, all against the unfair commercials trade planning being proposed there. Thousands of people protesting. All media announced trough their stations that only few dozens of young kids where protesting in the outside. I saw the real videos.

The reason why I bring this it because my question, and not only mine but every question we got, goes around the same matter. The managing of information.

Printmaking since the beginning helped the whole world to start a revolution against illiteration. It made possible for everyone to read to go beyond, it broke the social hierarchies in education, it opened the door it gave the same opportunities to everyone.

So knowing this we got to understand that the more information you got the big your responsibility is. But we got also to understand how illiteration know had take over again, misinformation is it new shape. That is why when we want to disseminate information in a social political context we need to deconstruct that illiteration we got to simplify again the simple (that has been complicated to made it unreachable), in order to deliver a real message or to literate in some way. We live in a visual society (for grace or disgrace), and with visual art (specially with printmaking and its democratic possibilities), we have the opportunity to develop a very specific way or to construct a particular message, in other words we can develop our own kind of dialect to communicate. At the same time this give us a notion of the power we can acquire trough art in a specific context.

And now that you had mention Lady Gaga, this is why people like her just represent a social failure that depoliticized real problems of our society, they help to dissinformate by naturalizing the social contemporary problems with the power she had been able to acquired. She is not addressing anything else than a reflection of a colliding society. I will close this writing recommending a book for the ones of you that have not read it, "The Prince", by Niccolo Machiavelli (1513).

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